Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Everything is Possible

This year has been a journey.

It's been hard.


I've cried more tears and felt more pain then I ever had before.

But I'm stronger now. I love God more. So many times He was the only thing that got me through...Him and music.

I started learning guitar. I love it.

And yesterday I was surprised with my own. It's blue. :)

I've been writing music. 

I used to have trouble putting my lyrics to music, but with a little help from some friends, I think I've got it down. 

Sometimes all we need is someone to believe in us to find the courage to try again.

I've made so many great friends this year. God has brought people into my life that I needed. I am so thankful.

I don't feel quite so lonely anymore.

It's funny how God waits until we realize He is all we need before giving us what we thought we couldn't go without.

I'm trying to pick back up photography. Kinda for my blog and kinda just for me.

Apparently I really like the vintage look.

And vignettes...

Most of the time the only thing that really needs to change is our perspective.

I read two books this year that changed my life.

One taught me how to be thankful - really truly grateful for every moment.

The other one taught me how to pray - or rather never to stop praying. I'm still working on that and I'm pretty sure I will never stop trying. It's hard, but so rewarding.

I promise that once you start, you will never be content with stopping when it comes to prayer.

I found some new poetry.

And wrote a lot of my own...and started sharing it with people. That was scary, but I've discovered a lot of other writers and poets around me.

I'm learning how to be brave.

How to love unreserved.

How to open my clenched fists and breathe in deeper and keep my eyes focused on what only the heart can see.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  2 Corinthians 4:18

I'm packing this week. Four days from now I will be on an airplane flying to the other side of the globe...Africa. I can only wonder at what this opportunity will hold and unfold.

2013 holds big things. New beginnings. Adventure. I'm ready.


  1. I really like this post! Thats really neat that you're going to Africa! Have a safe journey <3

  2. Awww, dear, dear Grace. I love you soooo much. I have missed you greatly the last couple weeks. I am praying your trip will bless both you and God. I am so glad that 2012 has been such a good, and such a learning year, for you. You are sweetness itself, Beloved.

    1. I love you too! And I miss you bunches and bunches! D: I'm praying that God will open so many doors...and I just never know what I might discover or who I might meet;) It most certainly has...I hope yours has been the same. Thank you, Love:)
